Its that time of year again when I ask for your help in raising money for Christies, I dont ask often but once a year I ask you for a donation, however small. Most of you know now that I am a Ovarian Cancer Survivor. 11 years clear now. The fact however is that if it hadnt been for the care and treatment Christies gave me I wouldnt be here. It was the worst time in my life but at the same time it made me appreciate life and the work that people do. Being told that if it came back I wouldn't survive it was as you can imagine not very nice and made the treatment and care I received even more important. Coming up to that 10 year mark of all clear I made a decision to get fit and raise as much for christies as I could with the help of others. I know many other people have been touched by cancer in some way through their life whether its themselves or a family member or friend. The sad fact is at some point in your life it will hit you. Please help me in the fight against cancer and help raise as much as possible. Lets try and get rid of Cancer forever. Back then I was told it was unlikely that I'd be able to do as much physical exercise as I do, I now run and do British Military Fitness. I do this for two reasons, to get fit in order to have the ability to raise as much money by competing in races. This year I'm doing the race4life with my 7 year old daughter who is my little miracle. Also my 15 year old niece who was there through all the difficult times.
Thanks as always, Please sponsor us, however small.