Thanks for visiting my fundraising page. I work for Break charity at the Ashcroft Project where we offer respite and longer term placements for women with severe and enduring mental health problems. Mental ill health can effect anyone regardless of age class or race. One in four women will have mental health problems at some time in thier lives, so next time you are in the pub with your mates just look around you! Mental ill health does not just effect the person it effects husbands and families too. With your support i would like to help Break celebrate its 40th Birthday by helping to raise £40,000 so that Break can continue to make a difference to peoples lives. In return for your generous sponsership I will walk up (and down) the three highest peaks in Yorkshire in just 12 hours ( i must be mad ) Please just give as much as you can Thank you and I wish you good mental health.
Up Date 22.09.2008
Well I did it!! and am pleased to report in an apparently very respectable time of 9 hours and 35 minutes!!so thank you all for your messages of support and encouragement and your donations, I thought of you all whilst dragging my now stiff little body up them there hills and am very grateful.It was a really tough challenge but brilliant experiance and thank you all so much for your support. Louisa
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So please sponsor me now!