National citizens service , is a government funded programme that provides young people such as ourselves with confidence , support and new experiences
Phase 1 was located in Cheshire at forest camp , where we took part in activities such as rock climbing , team building skills and orienteering. Some of the challenges tested our patience , our resilience and required inside strength , even in the pouring rain.
Phase 2 was located at Nottingham university and out competitive spirits were shining during the business challenge. Wheelchair basketball was also a fabulous activity to bring that competitive spirit to a games court.
We have now reached our final stage which involves social action and raising money for a charity that needs us. RNIB is a local charity that supports the blind and partially blind to encourage a normal life and take part in activities that people take for granted.
Every week the Royal National Institute for Blind people (RNIB) get 2 calls on average from people who are losing their sight, saying they feel suicidal and that they are struggling to cope without their sight.
RNIB aims to help partially sighted individuals rebuild their lives, give them hope and help them see beyond sight loss.
One of the ways they do this is with talking books. £1500 will enable us to sponsor a child's book and give them the opportunity to hear and experience amazing stories. £2500 will enable us to sponsor an entire novel and make adults losing their sight able to enjoy their favorite books again.
It doesn't have to be much, but any donation would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
NCS Loughborough 1
All money raised will be restricted to RNIB Talking Books