Alongside Air Ambulance I will also be donating some of the money towards Mind Mental Health Charity and Epilepsy Research.
4 years ago, I lost my cousin Caspar to Epilepsy so this charity is very close to mine and my family's hearts. I also wanted to raise money for Mind due to the impact which Covid-19 is having on people's mental health during and after the extensive Lockdown period. Lastly, I want to donate some of the money towards Bucks and Oxford Air Ambulance as it is a local charity which is why I like to support it.
Within the 8 weeks I have set out 8 physical challenges with certain twists. They range from: Doing a Danceathon, Running a Marathon in a week, swimming the English channel in a swimming pool and visiting the elderly in local villages to have tea and sing to them.
I have a separate Just Giving page for each of the three charities, so please feel free to send your donations towards them if you wish. I have an instagram account: lottiesgr8tadventures where I will be posting regular updates and the dates for the challenges if you wish you come and support or take part in with me.
Thank you for the support!! - Epilepsy research - Mind