Lorraine Hughes

Help us get off the couch and support an amazing school..Crownbridge School

Fundraising for Parents and Friends of Crownbridge School
raised of £500 target
Donations cannot currently be made to this page
Event: Cardiff Half Marathon 2023, on 1 October 2023
Participants: Gareth Hughes
We fundraise for Crownbridge Special School to enhance the education of pupils


Hey there,

amazing human beings and potential sponsors!

We are Lorraine
and Gareth, the duo who are about to take on the Cardiff half marathon and defy all odds (and our own laziness) to support an incredible cause. 

Strap on your virtual running shoes and prepare to be thoroughly entertained as we stumble, pant, and hobble our way to the finish line – all to raise funds for our son's extraordinary school!

So, here's the deal: our son, Nathan, is an absolute rockstar. A real-life superhero who defeated a rare brain tumour and has achieved more than anyone, including his doctors, ever imagined. 

He's the reason we're shedding our comfy couch-potato status and hitting the pavement to show our appreciation and help his school (Crownbridge special school) continue to provide the support and resources that helped him defy all expectations.

Nathan was diagnosed with Epilepsy at 18 months old, he was diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, severe learning difficulties and mood instability at 5yrs old and due to the number of seizures he was having (ranging from 10+ a day) he ended up spending most of his time in his wheelchair. 

Nathan was diagnosed at 5yrs old with a rare brain tumour, and we were advised that it was unlikely that Nathan would be able to walk or talk after his left temporal lobe was removed at GOSH. However, despite several other challenges Nathan has thrived and last year passed his GCSE entry level Maths! Thanks to the support of Crownbridge school.


Now, about us – Lorraine, the self-proclaimed "Queen of Netflix, hot tub and Chill," is no stranger to half marathon madness. Yes, believe it or not, this former couch potato once ran a half marathon! However, since then, I've taken my commitment to the couch to new heights. My running shoes have been gathering dust, and my idea of a workout is chasing after the ice cream truck or running to the fridge for the tonic to my gin


. But hey, desperate times call for desperate measures, and this is one race I'm willing to waddle through for an amazing cause!

Now, let's talk about Gareth, the "Running Ninja" (at least in his mind). He used to be a regular runner, previously running 31 marathons in 31 days for charity, but life got in the way, and lately, his jogging routine has turned into more of a light stroll to the fridge. We all know the struggle of trying to squeeze into those long-lost running shorts, right? But don't let his lack of recent miles fool you – he's determined to brush off the cobwebs and prove that he still has what it takes to conquer the Cardiff half marathon.

We're asking for your support, both moral and financial, to help us reach our fundraising goal. But fear not, dear donors! We promise to put in the sweat, the tears (mostly mine), and maybe even a couple of lost toenails to make this adventure worthwhile and every penny donated will go straight to the school that has been a pillar of strength for our family and countless others. With your generous contributions, they'll be able to continue providing exceptional care, resources, and opportunities to students like Nathan who deserve the absolute best.

To express our immense gratitude and help other children like my son, we aim to raise funds for the school to purchase much-needed sensory equipment and buses needed for transportation.

Sensory  equipment is vital for providing a stimulating environment  promotes sensory development and learning for children with special needs. Additionally, having buses available will ensure that all students have access to the school's enriching programs, regardless of their transportation challenges.

We promise to document hilarious moments of our journey when it starts as we are also challenging ourselves to get half marathon ready in just three months! Expect epic training fails, laughter-filled "long runs" (let's be real, they won't be that long), and countless snack breaks along the way (or maybe wine).

We might not be the fastest runners, but we guarantee to be the most entertaining! Join us in making a difference and let's show the world that even couch potatoes and ice cream truck chasers can conquer the Cardiff Half Marathon! Thank you for your support and, of course, for sharing in a good chuckle at our expense. Let's do this! 💪😄

Click that "Donate Now" button, and together, let's make a difference for our superhero son, his incredible school, and all the future Nathan’s out there who need our support.

Thank you from the bottoms of our couch-potato hearts!

About the charity

Crownbridge PFA funds additional equipment and experiences for pupils. We provide monies and source grants for the minibus fleet which enables pupils to take part in community visits as part of their learning pathways; the sensory garden; cafe equipment; specialist equipment for disabled pupils.

Donation summary

Total raised
Online donations
Offline donations

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