Colin Gauntlett

Alzheimer's London to Paris 2022

Fundraising for Alzheimer's Society
raised of £1,650 target
Donations cannot currently be made to this page
Event: London to Paris, from 8 September 2021 to 12 September 2021
Participants: Manso Richards
Passing through the picturesque Kent countryside, you cross the Channel and continue through small villages and medieval market towns of Northern France along to our finish line at the iconic Eiffel Tower!



Over the past 8 years, I have seen the impact and result of  Alzheimer's and dementia-related disease on family members and loved ones. My father was the first to be diagnosed and he has now reached a fairly advanced stage. Since then my partner's father, some of my uncle's and family friends have all been diagnosed in quick succession. All have had a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, Vascular Dementia or a combination of both

I struggled with the transition that was needed to support the wider family and ultimately communicate and support my affected family members. It's very easy to try and continue life as normal and ignore what's happening in front of you!!
This is the time that I realised that my knowledge of the disease was very limited. Through discussions with my mother, partner, extended family and friends I was determined to improve my knowledge of the effects of the illness and turned to the Alzheimer Society website which was a real eye-opener and helped significantly.

The event:

It's clear that there is a lot more research required to find a cure.  To do this I have included the charity on my list for donations throughout the year and my first opportunity as a keen cyclist was to raise money by taking part in the London to Paris 2020 event.

Covid then happened!!!
As a consequence, its been hard to support Alzheimer & other charities during the pandemic & many events were cancelled. 

The London to Paris ride for 2020 was cancelled & subsequently delayed in 2021. This meant that I was not able to take part, due to other commitments, but we have now been allowed to use our 2021 slot and take part in 2022.
My good friend and fellow cyclist, Manso Richards, has agreed to join me on this event which takes part over 4 days and a distance of 346 miles. This will be a personal achievement for our team as this will be our first multi-day event and will be physically demanding.

What we are looking for

To do this we need to raise £1650 each by the end of May 2022  and are asking for donations via this Justgiving page where the funds will go directly to the charity.

Any donation will be greatly received


Colin and Manso

About the campaign

Passing through the picturesque Kent countryside, you cross the Channel and continue through small villages and medieval market towns of Northern France along to our finish line at the iconic Eiffel Tower!

About the charity

Alzheimer's Society

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 296645
At Alzheimer’s Society we’re working towards a world where dementia no longer devastates lives. We do this by giving help to those living with dementia today, and providing hope for the future by campaigning to make dementia the priority it should be and funding groundbreaking research.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £386.25 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

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