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This summer, four of us, Bharath, Rohit, Harish and Brahmesh are driving from London To Bangalore in our Jeep.
The reason we are doing this is to promote "One World. One Race". We are children to one mother earth, and irrespective of our roots, we are all humans first. This has, in our opinion, lost its importance, in today's world. Today there is a surge of terrorism, war, hate and albeit its today's generation's choice, the next generation of our human race are the ones affected by it.
We want to try to convince ourselves and the others we meet along our drive from london to bangalore, that we are ONE WORLD, and we belong to ONE RACE.
The "save the children" cause is what we believe will positively impact the children affected by today's wars and worlds
Join us, in our quest, to save the children, and make ONE WORLD, ONE RACE a reality!