Cyclone Nisarga has recently caused havoc and destruction in the Konkan areas of India, as a Konkani myself I am concerned about the help being given to our beloved villages and want to see if there is any way in which I can provide help for Konkan also. Houses have been damaged, there are power outages, so communication has been stopped for a lot of the villages making it incredibly difficult for aid to reach them, availability of necessities is also restricted and there is limited access to water.
I am helping to raise this money for Masjid Al Falaah’s initiative to provide aid for the Konkan villages that have been unfortunately affected by this cyclone. They will be helping to rebuild houses and give support to families that are unable to recover from the devastation of this cyclone without the necessary aid. I ask for your generous donations to help me and Masjid Al Falaah in this journey of giving help and support to our Konkan villages that so desperately need aid.