The Salvation Army is a Christian Church & registered Charity working in 130 countries worldwide and is one of the largest and most diverse providers of social welfare in the world. In the UK and Republic of Ireland this work includes more than 800 Salvation Army social service centres and community churches. We provide unconditional friendship, support and very practical help to people in crisis and need and work with children, homeless people, all adult victims of modern slavery and those dealing with drug and/or alcohol addiction.
We are currently working with social workers, children workers, the schools in our area, those in womens refugee safe houses and LifeHouses (hostels) as well as many supporting agencies that we work alongside. We have many referrals daily. The requests are getting higher and we want to be able to continue the work we have started but we need more funds to meet this need.
We are also providing for many isolated and vulnerable people, especially the over 70's who have no family or support around them.
Help us to help each other and on your behalf, supply the provision needed at this time. Thank You!!