Hi all,
In October my friend Kath and I are taking part in the famous Camino de Santiago (126km Pilgrimage walk In Portugal) to raise funds for The Prevent Cancer Charity.
As many of you know I work as a Mammographer within the Breast Services. A job I love and a service I’m dedicated to. I witness the importance of Prevent’s focus on prevention, rather than cure. They want to stop the problem before it starts. Predict.Prevent.Protect.
Prevent is committed to improving the uptake of breast screening in the Greater Manchester area – where the charity is based.
The biggest challenges within our programme is the shortage of a trained Breast Imaging workforce. To address these challenges, a team at the Nightingale Centre has started a project to build a dedicated home for the National Breast Imaging Academy (NBIA), which will offer increased training capacity and innovative, academy-based clinical and academic training for radiographers, radiologists, and breast clinicians. This will benefit the whole country.
Prevent are supporting our appeal for the new National Breast Imaging Academy, ‘Build To Beat Breast Cancer’.
Let’s help make this dream a reality and save more lives ❤️.
Lisa xx