As you know almost five years ago I was diagnosed with the incurable cancer myeloma. It was the start of a very bumpy journey that has changed my life and that of my family. Five years seemed such a goal and quite frankly I was left with no doubt that it was unlikely I'd reach it.
The journey has at times been horrific, I've had more drugs than I think are on the shelf, suffered numerous life threatening illnesses and been through my fair share of wigs!!
At one stage I'd had every treatment line including a transplant and not responded -- things were very bleak but thanks to the charity Myeloma UK, I got onto a Clinical Trial at the Royal Marsden Hospital (RMH), London. I am now the only person on that Trial. I am here today in the main due to incredible care and drugs I receive in Edinburgh and at the RMH.
My clinician at the RMH is Dr Martin Kaiser and he and his team keep me alive. They are spearheading research with The Institute of Cancer Research and Myeloma UK into more effective treatments, greater access to drugs in the UK and hopefully one day, a cure.
Between 5 - 9th May, Myeloma UK will stage its inaugural London Paris Bike Ride to help raise vital funds. If I could, I'd be on that ride in a heartbeat. Sadly I can't however Dr Kaiser and some of his colleagues will be. I will be with them in spirit and supporting them all the way knowing that every penny raised will make a difference to patients like me.
I don't know how long this current drug will last or how long my immune system will hold out. I appreciate you will receive many similar requests, however as a celebration of me being alive 5 years down the line I'd like to help their efforts and raise a big number that starts with a "5" for this vital cancer charity.
Please sponsor me and in doing so them.
Thank you so much.