Having lost a family relative recently to cancer and being a survivor of cancer myself, I really want to give back in any way I can.
Our local hospice gives not only the patients but also the families the time and safe space they need at such a heart-breaking time. The staff and facilities don't fund themselves. I want to play a very small part in raising what I can to go to such a wonderful facility and team.
So i'm taking part in The Myton Hospices Snowdon for Sunrise challenge to help them raise these vital funds! They know that is a lot of money but with your support, they are confident that they can achieve it! Providing dedicated care and support for people with terminal illnesses, and their families, in their inpatient beds and in the community continues to be their primary focus, and they need to raise £10.5 million this year to do this. They can't do it without the support of people like me and you so please consider sponsoring me today
This may not seem a challenge to some but hill climbs on my peloton kill me let alone on foot so wish me luck!
I can't wait to reach the top with my 5 of my best friends and my cousin and feel a sense of accomplishment as well as ticking of another bucket list item for the last year in my 30s! 10 years cancer free!
As a special fundraiser once said #GOGRABLIFE