Thanks for taking the time to visit my page
On 23rd April 2022 (weather permitting) myself and a group of supporting friends and family will be walking UP Snowden some will come down but I will be hitching the train down unfortunately my legs won’t carry me back to the foothills ! One way is challenge enough!!.
Those who know me well know I won’t be giving up on my MS journey I plan to fight all the way.
The centre is incredible it’s one word that sums it up. They run mainly on volunteers and are a NON GOVERNMENT FUNDED CHARITY. Fundraising is essential for them.
The money raised will be spent on Running costs for the centre, it costs £20k a month to deliver the therapies they deliver.
The running costs are tough to get at the moment especially with the ever increasing price rises , people who use this centre rely heavily and is their lifeline.
PLEASE PLEASE SUPPORT ME IN THIS AS SO MANY HAVE BEFORE your donations are invaluable to us no matter how big or small.
Thankyou so much 🙏🏻 Love Lisa xxxxx