Ethel landed in our care recently from a stray pound environment where she was described as being a 10-13 year old lurcher girl. On arrival it was clear to see she was anything but and indeed a possible staffie, lab or beagle type mix and only around 5 years of age. Of course we were not about to send her back to face her fate so Ethel became a bonifida Gap dog. When Ethel landed we were told she was in season! However, the second I set eyes on Ethels back end I knew this was no normal season we were dealing with and arranged for her to be checked immediately with our vets who agreed something was drastically wrong. After biopsies and bloods it was found that Ethel was suffering from a rare condition not seen in this country but prevelant amongst street dogs overseas called transmissbile venereal tumour. Its is basically a doggy std BUT causes a cancerous tumour to develop and grow in the vagina of female dogs and tumours to develop on the penis of males. Transmissible venereal tumours have a good outcome IF treated as soon as discovered with chemotherapy and Ethel is now 2 treatments into her course of 5 to 6 expected treatments. Sadly each treatment costs around £110. The chemotherapy is expected not only to fully cure Ethel but will mean she will not be infectious to other dogs and can then be rehomed and allowed to live a full quality of life. At the moment our kennel and vets bills are sky high so Ethels rather rare but strange condition and its treatment is putting more strain onto us when we are already financially stretched. A few people asked how to donate so we decided to set up this page to allow people to give as little or as much as they can afford. Even though we are in the main a sighthound rescue we do as often as possible attempt to help other breeds and although mistakenly transferred into our care Ethel will be treated no differently to any other dog in our care and will receive the best care possible. Thank you to anyone in advance who takes the time to donate.