Since starting my fundraising in October 2019 I have swam the distance in height of Machu Picchu (4,650m), held a pub quiz, ran the Anglesey Half Marathon, climbed the height of Machu Picchu in flights of stairs and a bake sale. In February 2022, I ran 10k a day throughout February to raise awareness. It was my toughest challenge physically and mentally to date. In September later this year I will be climbing Machu Picchu in the Peruvian Andes 4650m above sea level to raise awareness for the charity!
Symptoms for both meningitis and septicaemia are nearly identical to a common cold, therefore easily unnoticed and believed to ‘go away in a few days’.
It's estimated up to 1 person in every 2 or 3 who survives bacterial meningitis is left with 1 or more permanent problems such as a brain injury or amputation. Statistics like these highlight how important it is to pay attention to symptoms to catch the disease as fast as possible.
It saddens me that these life changing diseases are often brushed under the carpet because there is not enough awareness, therefore it is my chance to do my bit to change that. I am hoping that challenges I have been doing raises awareness about the diseases and the money I raise will aid funding research and support families and individuals affected.
Meningitis Research Foundations work provides funding for a new vaccine to eliminate the diseases, improve healthcare systems that can diagnose and treat individuals quicker with the most appropriate care and support to survivors of meningitis. Its time to make meningitis a global health priority.