Having had the opportunity to work directly with our Child Advocacy Center as a member of the Conway Police Department it is difficult to put into words just how important their work truly is. When a child in our community is a victim of a crime or witness to a traumatic incident, we in law enforcement, rely on Liz, Beth, Meghan and of course Westin, to provide a safe place for the child to be interviewed. This interview is just one of the many steps in the journey the CAC takes with the child and their non-offending family members toward helping the child begin to heal. Law enforcement relies heavily on these forensic interviews and the assistance of the multi-disciplinary team coordinated by our CAC to hold offenders against children accountable and to seek justice for our child victims and their families.
Having been directly involved in many cases throughout my career where the services of the CAC were needed I would like to personally thank our Child Advocacy Center for lightening the load for us as investigators and for all you do to keep the kids in our community safe. In an effort to show my gratitude I am participating in the Beards for Bucks fundraiser this October. Since I'm unable to grow a beard like most of the officers I work with, I, along with a number of my female co-workers will be dying my hair blue to show support for our CAC.
As many of you know I have more than just a professional interest in the Center and the work that they do. As Liz's wife and Westin's other dog mama, I am uniquely aware of the heroic efforts that they and their team go to every day to help children in our community, often with very little resources. I'm asking my friends and family to support me in this effort as all donations will go directly to the Child Advocacy Center of Carroll donation is too small as every little bit helps to fund this vital non-profit organization.