In March 2012 my Grandmother suffered a severe stroke that left her completely paralysed on the right side of her body, with incredibly limited mobility and speech. Over the course of the last 10 years she has unfortunately been unable to regain any of what she lost, she has only been able to say about 10 words and now is unable to walk more than a few steps. She is one of the very unlucky individuals who has not been able to get any better at the still reasonably young age of 72. Life pre her stroke she was incredibly active, vivacious and outgoing, she was the matriarch of our family and was always keeping everyone in check. As a family watching her lose so much of herself over the last 10 years has been heartbreaking, we have all gone through the grief of losing her as a person whilst still physically having to see her in mental and physical pain. She is still a Mother, Grandmother, sister, wife and friend but we sadly don't get to enjoy so many aspects of these relationships anymore due to her stroke.
The stroke association funds research to help make a difference in the lives of those affected by a stroke as well as driving improvements on how they can try to prevent a stroke happening. I know no amount of money can be raised to ever bring back the Granny I feel I have lost but I hope I can help other families and individuals overcome the struggles of suffering a stroke, so that they don't have to experience what myself and my family have had to. Thank you for any donations xx