Thanks for visiting my page...
I have decided to run the Brummie Half Marathon for Macmillan and any donations would be much appreciated...I am not going to do the whole soppy story "X factor contestant style" (cue sad music) as to why I have chosen Macmillan, only to say that it is a fantastic charity and one which is close to my heart for lots of reasons... too many to mention.
It is a charity that not only helps sufferers of cancer but also the families of those diagnosed and I am proud to be raising funds for them.... WHICH IS WHERE YOU COME IN!!!
For all of you bank charge victims... well, any money I raise will be matched by my employer (which happens to be a bank..was that obvious?) so here's your chance for a taste of revenge...cough up and the bank will too...
All that's left to say is thank you so very much for your donations and if you haven't donated then I am deleting you as a Facebook friend...JOKE...seriously If you haven't then it's still cool that you visited my page and maybe found out a little about this amazing charity.
Wish me luck!!! (roll on the after race beers...)
Lianne W-T