The Trustland Group is turning 45 this year and with that momentous anniversary we pledged a commitment to raise a HUGE £45,000 for our local Children’s Hospice Claire House. I will personally be taking part in a few events this year, starting with Tough Mudder. I didn't originally know the extent of what it involved until after signing up, but I do like a challenge!
Claire House Children's Hospice helps seriously and terminally ill children live life to the full by creating wonderful experiences and bringing back a sense of normality to family life. By providing specialist nursing care and emotional support, they help families to smile again when life couldn’t get any tougher. The care and devotion that their staff and volunteers have towards each and every family is so overwhelming, that we knew as a group that we had to do something big to show our support!
Please help us, to help Claire House by donating as much as you can towards our goal. £45,000 would make a massive difference to the charity and wouldn't it feel great to say you were a part of that?
Thank you in advance, Les