Dave Betts was our dear friend at Cranbrook School (1991-96). He tragically took his own life in 2002, aged 23. This March will be the 20th anniversary of his death. Our big ride has three aims:
- Spend time celebrating Dave and the power of friendship
- Raise money for the Sam West Foundation so it can fund mental health support for children at primary schools in the Cranbrook area
- Raise awareness of adolescent mental illness, and in particular suicide in young men
Every pound we raise will help prevent another young person feeling their life is not worth living. Here is an assembly Will gave at Cranbrook about the ride: Head's Assembly on LEJOG January 22 - YouTube
Please read Big Boys Don't Cry? A collection of personal stories by men who have struggled with their mental health, edited by two more Old Cranbrookians. It has wisdom and practical advice for dealing with depression, anxiety, self-harm and suicidal thinking: Big Boys Don't Cry?: Men Opening Up Not Manning Up eBook : Devlin, Fabian, Addis, Patrick : Kindle Store.
We are grateful of any support that you can give – by donating money, by riding a stretch of the route with us, or by simply raising awareness of what we are doing and why we are doing it. Thank you!