Josh and I are going to cycle the Dunwich Dynamo - an annual 120-mile cycle
ride that starts in London Fields and winds its way out to the Suffolk
coast. It's not really organised, there are no winners, and naturally,
it's all done at night on the full moon of July. We hope to set off at
9pm and arrive broken and weary some time early in the morning of July
13th. It's really just an excuse to raise money in memory of James and
for the lovely people at St Peter's Hospice.
To encourage you to donate fabulous amounts of money we are offering a
number of exciting incentives:
For £10 you will receive a gruff acknowledgement.
For £20 you will receive a firm handshake (with eye-contact) the next
time we see you.
For £50 you will receive a signed picture of Iain Dowie (signed by Sam
or Josh, not Mr. Dowie)
For £100 you will receive a personal phone call from Sam or Josh at
3am on the night of the cycle ride to let you know exactly how it’s going.
For £250 we will mail you a puppy (choice of Great Dane or St. Bernard).