On mother's day 2023 our 15 month old daughter took her first episode. From then on she has been undergoing tests and scans and been under constant review in order to understand more about why she has been taking seizures. During a hospital stay she suffered up to 15 episodes in less than 24 hours. She has been diagnosed as having epilepsy.
It's a very scary situation that fills you full of anxiety to watch helplessly as your child has a seizure. Although she has been quite well managed through medication. I came across epilepsy action and have been following them for a few months now. It has been a source of comfort to know that others feel the same and to see that there are many different types of seizures. Darcie suffers mainly with vacant seizures coming out of her sleep. Stiff muscles and sometimes jerking limbs.
Epilepsy Action is the UK’s biggest community of people who want a better future for people affected by epilepsy. The charity offers free vital services such as their Freephone helpline, website, local Talk and Support groups around the UK, e-learning courses, and their Befriending service. The charity’s freephone helpline is a vital service, with trained advisors who provide much-needed advice and support.I'm fundraising to help make a difference so that Epilepsy Action can continue to provide these services when people need it most.