Hi All,
Thank you so much for visiting my just giving website.
I am raising money for Vision Aid Overseas, an extremely worthy charity. As you probably all know Russell went out to Ethiopia earlier this year with a VAO team to help develop an eye clinic in the Menilik Hospital in Addis Ababa. As well as arranging a suitable location and providing the necessary sight testing and glazing equipment to the clinic, the VAO team have managed to train a few local students the necessary skills to provide eye examinations and glaze spectacles for the people of Ethiopia. This service was previously only available to the more affluent people of Ethiopia. The clinic has the potential to be fully self sufficient in the future.
I have just been accepted to go over to Burkino Faso in November 2009 as part of a VAO team, to provide a direct service. I hope to be able to provide eye examinations and spectacles to those who otherwise wouldn't have access to an optometrist.
I don't quite know how I'll survive the 13 miles of the Great North Run, but I'll give it a very hard try!
I would be very grateful for any sponsorship to this very worthy cause.
Thanks for visiting my fundraising page.
Donating through Justgiving is quick, easy and totally secure. It's also the most efficient way to sponsor me: Vision Aid Overseas gets your money faster and, if you're a UK taxpayer, Justgiving makes sure 25% in Gift Aid, plus a 3% supplement, are added to your donation.
So please sponsor me now!