I was diagnosed with Coeliac disease 6 years ago after going from one GP to another trying to find out the cause of my severe tummy aches. After many misdiagnosis' of IBS, one very clever Dr finally diagnosed me correctly.
Coeliac disease means that i can not eat anything with Gluten in as my body sees it as a threat. My body physically attacks itself from the inside out, destroying the villi in my intestines. Without these i can not absorb any nutrients and i become in risk of many horrible things in the future. E.G. Osteoporosis, Cancer and Infertility. Hence my weird diet of dry and unsatisfying foods.
Coeliac UK gets no funding from the government yet they are already doing a great job. Many of you will have noticed the amount of resturants with a gluten free menu or the supermarket logo for gluten free produce (the two barley stems crossing), and they are even on at the government to make all produce specify whether or not it comtains gluten a law, very much like they do with vegetarian food or those that contain nuts.
It has been discovered that many more people have Coeliacs than once thought, there is a reasonably high chance that you even might have it.
A very vital and worthy cause to get me off my bum.
Much love
Laura xxxxxxxxx