Hi Everyone and welcome to my Just Giving page.
I am running, jogging and walking for Endometriosis UK as I am a sufferer and want to raise awareness to young girls, women and friends about the dibilitating disease that affects us women emotionally, phsyically, mentally and socially.
Through school, college and also university I have been told "it is just a normal period, deal with it" and "I have bad periods too, but I don't need to take time off. So what's so different about you?" or "Just take pain killers and you'll be alright" - it's not that easy! Well now I can explain properly and make these people aware, Thanks to Endometriosis UK. I could never fully explain my condtion to course colleagues, Tutors, previous employers and friends; though my friends understood how I felt, which they are now aware of the disease and can relate to me.
Doctors had often told me what I was expepriencing was normal and just to take pain killers, however I know my own body and my mother knew too that this crippling pain was not normal. I had been suffering since the age of 13 and was only referred to a gynaecologist about having a laparoscopy at the age of 23. After numerous tests I had my first Laparoscopy when I was 24, which was a relief to finally be diagnosed for Endometriosis so I had an explanation of why I suffer every month. Treatment after was Tramadol and then permanent treatment of a hormone/contraceptive to prevent oestrogen levels rising & preventing endometriosis from returning.
I am now on the Depo-Prevera injection which has mixed reports but works for me. However for the first 6 months or so of being on it I experienced severe flooding everyday and was totally drained and depressed which was affeccting my studies and performance as i am a drama student. So my doctor prescribed me Utavlan tablets (for endometriosis and other blood related conditons) which worked within 3 days. Now I am stable but experience some pain, discomfort and bleeding but not as bad or as much as I used to as it depends on what I have done or do eg. bending up and down, straining through lifting heavy objects to name but a few.
I am now in the process of planning and researching for my Final Year Degree Project of an awareness and hopefully educational Documentry about Endometriosis. I am hoping I can use this event also as part of my documentry with group photographs and an individual photo of me, as well meeting new friends and sharing stories.
Thank you for taking your time to read my story, I hope it has been informative and I really truly appreciate your donation; it means a lot to me and other women, Thank you xox