We are extremely fortunate in the UK to have free healthcare available to all. The NHS is honestly one of the best things about this country. Unfortunately, many are not this lucky. Healthcare inequality is an issue that has been on my mind for a long time. Access to decent healthcare should be a human right. The COVID-19 pandemic has only catalysed the growing rift in healthcare equality. Not every person or every country has been treated equally by the virus. Countries with shaky infrastructure and patchy access to healthcare have suffered a lot more than others and continue to do so. Just seeing this stark difference in healthcare availability and its effects on citizens around the world had me thinking that there must be something that can be done to even the playing field as it were when it comes to providing good quality healthcare to all. That is when I began to research organisations that help to do this. Doctors Without Borders does the kind of work that I want to raise awareness and funds for.