Some give by walking, others give by donating.
More than 7 million people die from cancer every year. In the United States, somewhere between 550,000 to 600,000 people have lost their battle with cancer this year. In the UK, roughly 160,000 died from cancer in 2008.
I lost my father in April after a hard fought battle with cancer. He was 57 years old. I know first hand how hard it can be to lose a loved one to the disease. When someone you care about enters hospice care, you do every thing you can to make the best of the time you have left together.
As a result, I have formed a great team of students studying in England with me to help raise funds for the Arthur Rank Hospice Charity, a local non-profit in Cambridge that provides quality care for patients and support for their families during a very difficult time. I hope you will consider making a donation and helping my team and I meet our £ 2000 ($3105) goal.
As international students in the UK, participating in the walk is a form of giving back to our host country while also helping others around the world battling cancer.
So please dig deep and please consider making a donation now.
Kuong Ly &
Rishi Mediratta
Henry Donaghy
Benjamin Zintak
Kyle Checchi
Sheela Ramesh
Jessica Zhu
John Sheffield
Brian Mueller