JazakAllah Khair for taking the time to visit our JustGiving page.
We as a team will be climbing the highest peak in the UK to raise money for Syrian refugees in the camps in Jordan. Our aim is to raise awareness and money for Human Relief Foundation who are on the ground in Jordan, giving out essential aid to these refugees in the form of food packs, fuel, medical equipment and shelter. One of our beloved sisters will be on the ground in Jordan this September, InshaAllah, distributing necessities with the money we raise.
packs, fuel, medical kits and other essential aid all year round.
Fuel (lasts one month+) = £30
Medical support = £50
2 winter blankets = £30
"Those who in charity spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve" (2:274)
JazakAllahu Khairyun. May Allah accept all your efforts and your generosity Allahuma Ameen.