Story's been a looooooong time coming...but it's here...I've finally done it and entered myself into a 10k run for Race for Life! I knew it was coming, it was just a question of waiting for the right time.
As most of you will know, my younger sister Fiona was diagnosed with grade 3 breast cancer in May 2011 at the young age of 29. Although this was the most devastating time for her and all our family, she is doing well and in January this year she returned to work full time after almost 3 years.
As for me, some of you who know me well will know that that the last 3 years haven't been easy for me for lots of different reasons which explains why it has taken me so long to get round to doing this. However, I feel now that the time is right, I'm ready to do this and I wanted to do the Race for Life for my sister and all those doctors and nurses who saved her life and continue to keep a beady eye on her.
BUT....I didn't want to do the 5k version... I wanted to set myself a real challenge... so I have signed up for the 10k version due to take place in June. *gulp*
Now, I know a lot of you sporty types out there run marathons and do a 10k run as a warm up but for me this is a BIG DEAL considering I couldn't even run for 1 minute in January without me thinking my legs were going to drop off!
I know times are tough (believe me I know ALL about that!) and you are all busy people but any sponsors will be much appreciated to spur me on my way.
Just as a reminder as to why I am doing this, I have attached a link below which will take you to my sister's blog that she wrote during her treatment where she recalls the day that changed her life forever. I don't think I ever look at pink geraniums in the same way again.
Thank you.
Kirsty xx