Hey everybody.
Thanks so much for coming to check out my page.
As I'm sure you are all aware, I am currently in my second year at Nexus, and in May we are having our annual RaGweek. This week is a chance for all of us to get together and do something we wouldn't normally get a chance to do .... and raise money for Nexus.
I am taking part in the 'muraculous' event. We are going to make a large canvas, and create a huge mural, that shows what Ragweek is, the events that are going on and the heart behind it. It is going to be huge.
To sponsor this event, there are two options. You can either sponsor my participation in the event with a donation on this page, alternatively you can go to
and choose to sponsor a square of the grid for a minimum of £5. If you then leave a comment in the box with a contact address we will be able to get in touch for you to recieve that square of painting after the event has taken place.
To read more about Nexus, use the link to the left.
Thankyou for sponsoring me and taking the time to support Nexus and my time there.