Alzheimer's Research UK
One in three people born today will develop dementia in their lifetime, without life-changing preventions and treatments. But together, we can make breakthroughs possible and change the lives of everyone affected by dementia. Everybody at Alzheimer's Research UK is excited about working with HSO. A huge thank you for supporting our pioneering research throughout your fundraising .
Kieran O'Neill
Dealing with loss is never easy. But when it's due to an illness like dementia, the pain becomes manifold, compounded by the slow, relentless erosion of a loved one's identity. I've seen it twice. Once with my dear Great Aunty Mavis, and again with my fiancé's beloved grandmother. Both brilliant, vivacious women reduced to fragments of their former selves. Their battles inspired me to take on a battle of my own - a 26.2-mile-long battle against dementia, the London Marathon.
There's more to this than just lacing up my running shoes, however. You see, I've been contending with a heart defect. It's an obstacle, sure, but not one that will deter me. I've always believed that challenges are just opportunities for us to discover our strength, and this marathon is no exception. It’s a chance for me to push my boundaries, to stand up to adversity in all its forms, and in the process, to raise funds for research and care related to dementia.
With the OK from the Doctor, training for the marathon will be a test in more ways than one. With each stride, I'm learning to work with my heart's new rhythm, turning what might have seemed like a setback into a source of strength. The journey will not be easy, but it's the goal that keeps me going.
I'm not just running for myself or to overcome my personal health issues, but for a cause greater than me. It's for those who have watched a loved one struggle to recall fond memories because of dementia. Each challenging mile is a stride towards a future where this disease no longer has the power to take away our shared moments and memories that make us people.
This is more than just a marathon to me, it's a personal journey, a tribute to the brave women who fought their battles with dignity. Moreover, it's a call to action - because together, with your support, we can fight dementia.
Please join me on this journey. Your donation, no matter the size, will not only fuel my steps on the marathon route, but also contribute towards critical research and support for those affected by dementia. Together, we can and will make a difference. Thank you for your support.
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