Did you know, more people reach out for help from Nour during Ramadhan than any other month. A month of patience and blessings and yet ironically a month that is feared by many. Each year Nour, uses Ramadhan to ask you to pledge your support and help your community. Nour is entering its 10th anniversary and a celebration didnt seem appropriate but we would rather use this milestone to ask you to support us. Funding has become inaccessible, and limited despite a call to increased funding made available by central government. This will take time, and funnel through to the smaller organizations much later. We have been serving the ummah for 10 years almost and our work has barely scratched the surface. The problems we know exist in our community have roots that run deep. Pledge your support with us this year and support our work. Just like how these roots run deep, give as if to imagine this money will build roots that anchor good deeds for yourself. Your money will impact on someone