Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
I was seriously injured about 2 years ago when I was attacked outside my home leaving me with a life threatening injury requiring life saving treatment and further significant health issues.
I wanted to recognise the support from my family, neighbours, ambulance, police and health service staff who made the difference that night who saved my life and in the many months during my recovery.
I wanted to thank my son for his heroic efforts to protect me while putting his own life at risk and I also want to thank my wife and daughter for their bravery and their timely interventions which saved my life I also wanted to thank my daughter for her tenacity, despite her youthful looks, to be at my bedside that night. She may never fully appreciate how important that was.
This was a life changing experience for me and my family and thankfully we have overcome the trauma and look forward to any new challenges life has to offer.
I was travelling to Edinburgh by train and saw the advert on the railway line to do this challenge and I thought this would be an opportunity, in very small way, to show my appreciation for those that helped me . Please be generous. Many Thanks. Ken