Five years ago I went to the doctors with a throat infection... While I was there I thought I may as well mention the pains I've been having and my swollen lower tum (thinking it was IBS). After quite alot of painful pushing and prodding on my tum I was told I was about 4 months pregnant and to make an 'early pregnancy' appointment at reception on my way out.
The next morning I was in so much pain I had to lift my foot on and off the clutch with my hand on my way to work. I was in the office for about 15 mins before I was rushed to hospital. Turns out I had a cyst that had filled the entire lower abdomen which was pushing my bladder completely out of place (hence the pain and swelling). They pointed out some dark bits in the scan telling me that there was 'hard matter' in the cyst - to prepare myself, I might have cancer.
After 2 days in the hospital waiting on test results they whipped it out (along with my left ovary and tube) advising it was very unlikely that I had cancer - except when they took Gertrude out (we felt that as it had teeth, hair and lung matter it deserved a name!) they saw that things weren't quite right and took biopsies of all my organs in the surrounding area and more blood tests. 48 hours later I was home, 72 hours later Mount Vernon Cancer Ward called....
I couldn't have got through it without the love and support of my amazing family and friends and my brilliant Professor who looked after me every step of the way calling me one of his 'stubborn girls' .. He's bloody right there!
Two years ago I passed the 3 year mark - This is when the chances of Gertrude coming back is significantly reduced. I felt like I could finally breathe - I wanted to give something back and to join the battle to beat this awful disease, so I signed up for the 5k Race For Life... Unless something is chasing me I would usually do my best to avoid running so 5k was bloody tough!
Last year I had to do better - With my bestie as my running companion I completed the 10k in the middle of a heat wave, in what I believe to be the hilliest place to run ever (in a respectable time!) while our sunburnt supporters cheered us on ...
This year I feel I need to up the anti if I'm going to ask you lovely people to sponsor me again..... so I've signed up to the 5k Muddy Race For Life and will be running a 10k Race For Life a couple of months later also!
By sponsoring me, we can unite and create an army that cancer can't ignore. By sponsoring me, we will beat cancer sooner.
Please join the fight by digging deep and sponsoring me - it's quick, easy and totally secure.
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Sponsor me now, and help me show cancer that hell hath no fury like a woman in pink.