My good friend Mel Ferguson spent the last 5 years of her life fighting cancer. She was extraordinary courageous and put everything she could into fighting this brutal disease, having as much fun and making as many memories as possible for her daughters.
Unfortunately, she recently lost her bravely fought battle.
Weldmar Hospicecare Trust supported her and her family, and gave Mel the most amazing end of life care.
I promised her that I would continue with her support for Weldmar and raise funds for this awesome charity.
Along came the perfect challenge - the Weldmar Sahara Trek!
Over the last year I have been fund raising for Weldmar and continue to do so.
Weldmar provides excellent end of life care, but to do so they heavily rely on donations.
Please support me, and in doing so you will help Weldmar to continue their valuable and outstanding work.