Sunrise Chapel has a deep gratitude for the spiritual leadership of our pastor emeritus Frank Rose and the spiritual community he created here in Tucson. He inspired so many with his spiritual growth program and his love of nature. Sunrise Chapel is honoring Frank Rose by following in his footsteps and climbing. We are climbing physical and spiritual mountains. We will hike mountains around Arizona as Frank did throughout his life; finding God in nature. And we will attend spiritual growth groups to help us learn to climb out of the basement of negative emotions to higher levels of peace, joy and love which Frank so passionately taught us.
We ask that you consider donating to these various climbs Sunrise Chapel will undertake in the month of September. Each dollar goes directly to support The Swedenborg Foundation which helps everyone searching for spiritual truth and resilience find and understand the transformative ideas in the works of Emanuel Swedenborg. This will ultimately support Frank Rose’s life long mission which was to help people experience heavenly joy through spiritual growth! Now let’s get climbing!