It all started in August 2017 just before my 40th Birthday, my GP found a lump in my breast and referred me to the Breast Clinic that's where I spent the morning of my 40th Birthday. Initial diagnosis was a cyst, they took a biopsy just to be sure.... unfortunately that wasn't the end. They had found something suspicious and wanted to remove the lump and discovered I had LCIS, non cancerous, but because you have a greater chance of getting cancer they would send me for annual checks.
1 year later and my first annual check, 3 mammograms, 2 ultrasounds, 2 MRI's including an MRI guided biopsy in London later and they discovered I had 14 cm of high grade DCIS in my left breast, pre cancer, but due to size and extent they were pretty sure it had turned cancerous. So in March 2019 I had a Mastectomy and 2 lymph nodes removed. They then began the 2 month process of testing the tissue, good news is I only had 3mm of high grade ER+ cancer in my breast and none in my Lymph nodes. They sent the cancer off to San Francisco to test for the likelyhood of reoccurrence (wish I could have travelled with it! ). In May 2019 I was told my risk of reoccurrence was low, and the size of the cancer so small that I wouldn't need any Radiotherapy or Chemo and I was prescribed a Tamoxifen tablet to be taken once daily reducing the risk of reoccurrence by 40%.
You are never rid of the cancer and there is always a chance it will come back, to deal with this in the Autumn of 2019 I attended a moving forward course with other women who had breast cancer to help work though life after cancer, something that has really helped me. Exercise also reduces the risk of reoccurrence by 40%, and although running has always been a part of my life, I have never run as much as I have in the last 28 months! Finally the actual race is scheduled and I can't wait. I am running for Breast Cancer Now who by 2050 want to prevent anyone dying from breast cancer.
My story has shown that advances in research mean that my cancer was caught early, I didn't need any further treatment with horrible side effects and I now have very low likelihood of reoccurrence. 1 in 8 women get breast cancer in the UK, sponsor me to make sure that more women with breast cancer have a similar cancer story to me and to work towards preventing all breast cancer deaths by 2050.