Thank you for stopping by my fundraising page!
I am excited to be raising money during my marathon training for The BIG Insights Challenge! Please join us this October through May and make a big, positive difference in the lives of over 10,000 children around the world who must choose between food or school this year.
At Insights, our passion is to inspire people to make a positive difference in everything they do. For the first ever BIG Insights Challenge, we are joining forces with our global and local communities to raise over $150,000. The cost to feed a single child in a place of learning for a whole school year is $19.50, with an impact that lasts much longer.
Please give as generously as you can and share our Challenge with the
world. Your donation reaches far and wide to impact individual lives and
communities now and in the future. The children you help today will give back to their communities and the world tomorrow.