Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
19 years ago I lost my father at 13 to this silent disease.
Living with alcoholism was hard for our family and with many taboos it went unspoken. We would have benefited from a charity like this back then, to support us and more importantly dad, through the tough times and at the end. SO this is for my dad John PORR who died age 42.
The money raised will go directly towards funding materials to support this wonderful charity in Luton!
The ResoLUTiON Recoveyr Hub is a public venue which provides aftercare and support for clients exiting drug and alcohol services in the Luton area! I have visited them and seen first hand this unique venue which not only offers skills, and therapies, and supportive accommodation. But can boast a great cafe, run and staffed by the clients! They even sell artisan bread, which smells amazing! You must take a look!
This service users of the Hub are wanting themselves to create a memorial garden as a place of therapeutic reflection and a place to stop, pause and remember family members, friends, peers and colleagues who have died through the use of drugs and alcohol.
The garden will be a great asset to the Hub and the clients involved in the project will be able to gain an credited qualification !!!
So this jump is for all the families who are living with loved ones who have this disease. This is for the strength of my mother and for my sister and brother!