Hi Guys,
I’ve decided once again to get my running shoes on in aid of charity!! Through sweats, aches, and blisters, I am planning to complete the Edinburgh Half Marathon (22 kilometres) in less than a month (May 22nd) to raise money for the British Heart Foundation (BHF).
Last year with your help, I managed to run the Meadows marathon (also 22 km) to raise a significant £1000 for Breast Cancer Care. This year, with your help, I aim to reach a target of £500. Every 2 minutes, someone has a heart attack, and only half survive. Heart disease is a growing problem, and affects an alarming 2.5 million people in the UK alone. BHF uses valuable fundraising money to help support vital research into the causes of heart disease and attacks, preventions, and novel medications in order to save lives. Coming from a family susceptible to coronary heart disease, supporting the BHF is particularly personal to me.
I have watched valuable research and technology transform my Grandma’s (and hero) quality of life through her multiple operations, and life saving drugs. I am reminded every single day how lucky I am to still have her here during these important years. I attribute this to research, which is constantly improving the wonders of medicine today.
I am therefore aiming to challenge my mind and body in an attempt to raise money to help better life for those suffering from heart conditions, and to the loved ones of those families who are also affected. I know so many of your made such valuable contributions last year, and that everyone is watching pennies in this economy, but literally any spare change at all, or words of encouragement are MORE THAN appreciated!!!!! Help me make it to the finish line!!!!!
Love to you all,
Kell xoxo