Level Water gives children with disabilities a fair start in sport. They offer specialist 1:1 swimming lessons until the children can join group lessons and take the sport as far as they like. They hope they might just create the next generation of Paralympians along the way.
George has been having 1:1 swimming lessons with Helen from level water for almost a year. The lessons are fun and Helen has a wonderful way of motivating George through either his favourite food or toys. He is making great progress despite missing the all important flippers on the ends of his legs!
George was born with the rare congenital abnormality Fibular Hemimelia. For him this means he is missing the fibular bones, ankle bones and has underdeveloped calf muscles in both legs. He had through the ankle amputations at 11 months old and uses prosthetic legs most of the time however he enjoys swimming without them. This means he has to learn a different way of swimming, mostly involving arm and core muscle strength which his teacher is able to work on with him.
The Superhero Triathalon is specifically for children with disabilities to complete along with their 'sidekicks' (helpers). Mummy will be doing the 150m swim towing George, Grandad (who is a superhero all by himself having undergone a triple heart bypass last year) will complete the 3k bike ride, and George will be completing the final 1k run of the triathlon with Daddy and Mummy.
George is really excited about this challenge and can't wait to be a superhero for the day, even though we think he is our real life superhero every day : ) He's hoping to raise money to enable other children with disabilities to have the chance to learn to swim with Level Water just like him.