KATIE (attempts) ‘The BUPA Great North Run 2010!’
So basically….I have decided to run the Great North Run….. However, when I signed up I thought this was just a little fun run in a park…not a half marathon….yes….13.1 miles!?!?! (20 KILOMETRES!!)
Therefore……my motivation to keep running/cross the start line is going to be my charity (which is thankfully not the ‘Cat Sanctuary’) but ‘Breast Cancer Care UK’….who do fabulous work helping women with Breast Cancer across the U.K……currently there are there are an estimated 550,000 people living in the UK today who have had a diagnosis of breast cancer, and 1 more is diagnosed every 11 minutes….so if I can raise funds and awareness for ‘Breast Cancer Care UK’ I am hoping this ludicrous challenge and my almost certain pain will be worth it!!
This is where you fabulous people come in…. I need YOU to give me motivation to keep running…as I somehow don’t think at the 10th mile the idea that ‘running is fun’ (apparently) is going to quite cut it... I need your help by sponsoring me to run on the 19th September (anything from 1p….to something with a lot more noughts happily accepted :) ) so that I will have some motivation to run that ridiculous distance, knowing that it is making a difference…..…and in return for your money I PROMISE to run the whole thing….THE WHOLE 13.1 MILES!! (I am aiming for under 2hrs 30 mins….if I haven’t died by that point :/)
Any money you can donate would be much appreciated :)…and you can sit back with the knowledge that your spare change/£100 note is really making a difference…as well as laugh on the 19th September at the thought of me dying at the 6th mile (not even the half way point!)
Thank you for all your help! :)
Much Love
P.S. I will keep you posted on my progress...not long now.....20 days :o !?!?!?!