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As many of you know, close friends of mine lost their little boy, tragically and very suddenly in February this year. He would've turned 4 in May.
Max was a gorgeous, happy and healthy little boy. One weekend he became unwell and after a trip to A and E was diagnosed with Mumps (despite being up to date with all vaccinations). Max was sent home to recover. After a few days at home Max took a rapid downturn and despite the efforts of paramedics, hours later he was gone.
Max had developed Group A Strep Sepsis. Details are still unconfirmed but this could have been secondary to the Mumps, or the Mumps was a misdiagnosis. Max's parents had had concerns since being discharged from the hospital and had visited the GP but no further action was taken. Sepsis is treatable with antibiotics, but in Max's case it was not discovered in time.
Please donate what you can to help this charity raise awareness. Nobody else should have to lose a loved one to this condition. It is entirely preventable when the right action is taken.