Since 2009, my family and I have taken part in the Cure Leukaemia 5km walk in memory of Richard Massey. Richard and I were treated together in Ward 15 and HDU during 2008/9, and only one of us was lucky enough to leave.
I've had Acute Myeloid Leukaemia M7 monosomy-7 twice, in 2007 and 2008. I've had three stem cell transplants, one of which was inadvertent and came along with the liver transplant I had following complications after the second PSCT. I had more surgery in February to reconstruct my bile duct after I had biliary stones twice in less than a year. I still have graft vs. host disease in my skin and lungs, leaving me with 60% lung capacity, although I'm told it's improving.
For the first two years we took part, I was pushed around the course in my wheelchair, but last year I managed to walk the first two kilometres before my body had to stop. This year, I want to do it all. Today (April 30th) the training begins. I raised £732 last year, and I want to be able to do more this time. I'm asking you, on behalf of myself and those who no longer have a voice, to give anything you can. Because I've seen the work this money does and you can save lives.