Welcome to my fundraising page for CoppaFeel! This September I will set out on a challenging, extraordinary and life-changing trek, all in the name of checking chests! Along with Gi Fletcher and some other famous faces, I will be taking on the a 5 day trek across mountainous terrain in the French Alps, in a bid to raise funds towards CoppaFeel's life-saving mission.
Coppa feel is a charity very close to my heart...and boobs! Having had 4 rounds of chemotherapy and 5 weeks of radio therapy when I was 19 years old to treat Non-Hodkin Lymphoma in my armpit. My boob came in for a bit of a blast from the radio therapy. Guess what? Turns out treatment for cancer can also cause since the age of 19 I am now classed as high risk for developing breast cancer. I've been lucky enough to have received yearly MRI scans on both breasts from the age of 20. And since turning 40 I also have yearly mammograms so my boobs are pretty well looked after!
But with two Grandmothers who had breast cancer I'm only too aware of how important checking your boobs yourself regularly for any abnormalities is.
Coppafeel exists to:
-Encourage you to check your boobs, pecs and chest regularly
-Educate you on the signs and symptoms to be aware of
-Empower you to seek advice from a doctor if you notice something isn't normal
1 in 7 women will experience breast cancer in their lifetime and around 2300 women under the age of 39 and 400 men are diagnosed every year.
You can help by sponsoring me for my trek in the Alps or by buying a pair of 'Handy' Reminder stud earrings