I am not a natural runner. Indeed, many may quite fairly say that I'm not a natural athlete. But I'm enthusiastic, and that is what counts. The following explains why I am running (very slowly!) for Asthma and Lung UK in the London Landmarks Half Marathon 2024 on Sunday April 7.
As some people may know, my father Gary was diagnosed with something called unclassifiable ILD (Interstitial Lung Disease) in 2021 and sadly passed away in April 2022. He developed a persistent cough, and soon was unable to walk very short distances without getting out of breath. This diagnosis was something that came as a huge shock to us all - he was very active, he was rarely (almost never) ill, he'd never smoked, had no lung problems, and hadn't worked in an environment which could have put him at risk of this illness. We had no idea how or why he developed this illness.
While the medical profession were supportive, it was clear that there was no well-trodden route by which to treat this illness. Medication and subsequently 24-hour oxygen had little effect. Everything became about trying to breathe. Dad had loved reading, taking the dog for a walk several times a day, and had a wonderful dry sense of humour but these disappeared as the everyday acts of sleeping and eating took what breath he could manage. Mum (Gail) became his main caregiver and did everything she could to make his last few months as comfortable as possible.
Last year I decided that I would like to do something "big" in Dad's memory. My slow running of a half marathon, and the training runs are nothing in comparison to what he endured.
Dad was a popular member of his local community, and friends and neighhours have been a wonderful source of strength and support to Mum in the last 2 years.
Apparently 1 in 5 of us will have a lung condition during our lifetime, and so what I describe here isn't unique. Therefore I'm running the London Landmarks Half Marathon for Asthma + Lung UK and in memory of my Dad. They are the only UK charity that fights for everyones right to breathe. Every pound I'm able to raise will take us a step closer to a world where everyone has healthy lungs. Just £22 allows one of Asthma + Lung UKs nurses to answer a call on the Helpline, offering potentially lifesaving advice.
I'd be very grateful for any donations you could make. Thank you very much.
ps Mum is in charge of the offline donations in Wales.