We were living a relatively normal family life and then one evening Chris started to complain of a stomach ache. After a few weeks it was still grumbling... a few weeks after that, many ambulance journeys and a month in hospital later, Chris was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and given 6 months to live. He survived 10 months from the official diagnosis, a year from the development of symptoms. He passed away at home aged 38, holding Kate's hand with their girls, then aged just 9 and 13, and his parents with him.
All of Chris' family and friends are devastated at his loss. We miss him every day and the hole that he has left in the world will never be filled. His awful humour, geekery, barbecue ability and general all round brilliance will never be equalled.
To be honest, we have all learned more than we ever wanted to know about pancreatic cancer. The worst thing is the awful statistics surrounding it. It really is a killer. Please help us support research into pancreatic cancer so that hopefully other families won't go through what we did.
It’s unacceptable that more than half of people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer die within 3 months. Survival rates have improved enormously for most cancers, yet for pancreatic cancer, this is not the case. Pancreatic Cancer UK is dedicated to taking on this injustice using every possible means. They're supporting people with pancreatic cancer now, campaigning, and funding vital research to transform the future. Help them to make the breakthroughs that people with pancreatic cancer so desperately need.