I’m running for my amazing Nan Gladys and raising as much as I can to fight the hideous, cruel disease which causes so much suffering.
Dementia UK is a specialist dementia nurse charity. Their nurses provide life-changing care for families affected by all forms of dementia, including Alzheimer’s.
In February I couldn’t even run for 2 minutes and walking was painful because I had such bad hips (apparently carrying and birthing twins screwed them up a bit - what a surprise!).
But I had a place in the marathon so was determined to try. I started with couch to 5k in March with a 3 min run followed by months of physio, exercises and longer and longer runs. And the last two weeks with no alcohol! Now I’m going to take on a bloody marathon!!
I’m terrified, I feel like there’s no way I will cross that line but I will do my best and will try to raise some money for an amazing cause on the way.
Please support Dementia UK as much as you can.
Thank you lovely people xx