Over this past year I have tried to take up a new sport... running. It has been very challenging and I'm yet to take on my biggest trial (the half marathon).
During my time as a runner I have struggled massively with trying to breathe and exert myself at the same time. I come from a gymnastics background so although power comes naturally to me, I struggle to exert myself for longer than 3 minutes without having to sit down. This meant that I really had to commit to running if I was going to improve and although I look like I'm about to collapse every time I return from a run, I'm starting to enjoy the clear head and satisfaction it gives me.
Since I'm brave/stupid enough to sign up for the Half Marathon I thought why not raise some money for charity and what better than to support a local charity that have helped my beautiful cousin and others in her position.
When my cousin Ellie turned 22 she was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumour. In the last 7 years her and her family have been through so many treatments, tests, life changing operations and throughout this she has honestly been one of the strongest people I have ever met in my life! She has an incredible sense of humour and never seems to let anything get in her way. Last year she got married and her hen party and wedding were some of the most special times of my life. She is gorgeous inside and out and I'm so happy that there are charities like the Mat Davis foundation to provide support. They took a weight off Ellie's shoulders sorting a wet room to allow her to come home and they also helped provide funds for physio.
We all take life for granted waaaaay too often so pleaseee help me in giving back to amazing charities like the Mat Davis foundation who support our communities.
Lots of love xoxo p.s. if you want to come and support me at the half marathon or want me to send you progress reports of the state of me after runs let me know!