Thank you for visiting my fundraising page. On 15th Feb I will start a 24hrs Dark Souls Marathon to support Cancer Research UK which will be fully streamed on Twitch. This is not a lot, but its least I can do to contribute towards helping those affected by cancer.
7 years ago, my dad had been diagnosed with multiple myeloma, and the transformation he has gone through within next two years, until he passed away, was one of the most horrifying things I have ever seen with my eyes. I can't even imagine what kind of pain he must've been in on Daily basis and seeing him suffering was truły heartbreaking.
That is why I want to help. Even if it is just a tenner or a quid, I believe that every little helps and hopefully, with time, less and less people will have to go through what he and millions of other people have experienced over past years due to cancer.
That's why, please, even if you don't want or can't donate, you can share it with your friends or communities (e.g. gaming) to spread the word.
Edit: seeing that this has got pretty decent attention, I will try to do at least one more stream later on this month, not as long for sure, but still :D Thanks to everyone who have supported me and Cancer Research so far! You're awesome!